may i suggest a sick paint job on your gold back panel
I like reading books and taking drugs and occasionally writing.
Age 29, Male
Joined on 1/17/08
may i suggest a sick paint job on your gold back panel
yea im adding bling
hi : D get a really good paint job for the phone
Nice movies :)
what? lol
you should tape a blade on the back of it to have as a convenient shanking device
i actually think ill do that thanx
Good luck with getting your phone set.
Thatks Bro
ummm hi?
Hello :D
Sweet shit, G.
dildo attachment.
set to vibrate.
fun times.
IamtheHandsomeDeviloftheHiddenLeafVil lage!MynameisRockLee!IamtheHandsomeDe viloftheHiddenLeafVillage!MynameisRoc kLee!IamtheHandsomeDeviloftheHiddenLe afVillage!MynameisRockLee!IamtheHands omeDeviloftheHiddenLeafVillage!Myname isRockLee!IamtheHandsomeDeviloftheHid denLeafVillage!MynameisRockLee!Iamthe HandsomeDeviloftheHiddenLeafVillage!M ynameisRockLee!IamtheHandsomeDeviloft heHiddenLeafVillage!MynameisRockLee!I amtheHandsomeDeviloftheHiddenLeafVill age!MynameisRockLee!IamtheHandsomeDev iloftheHiddenLeafVillage!MynameisRock Lee!IamtheHandsomeDeviloftheHiddenLea fVillage!MynameisRockLee!IamtheHandso meDeviloftheHiddenLeafVillage!Mynamei sRockLee!IamtheHandsomeDeviloftheHidd enLeafVillage!MynameisRockLee!IamtheH andsomeDeviloftheHiddenLeafVillage!My nameisRockLee!IamtheHandsomeDevilofth eHiddenLeafVillage!MynameisRockLee!
you really think that shit affects me man FUCK YOU
Sup dude.
My penis :P nm wbu
you dead
lol what
Another fucking Polak?
Yes another Polak. Got a fucking problem
lemme guess
you're hip hop?
i'm kidding
yeah that sounds cool
all i want to do is get a new phone the has a stable freakin access to the internet
shit i should get that thanx